Tuesday, November 2, 2010

All is well...all is well...all is well...

The big software release was on Monday morning and things went fairly well. There were a few hiccups, and a couple of things we need to fix, but aside from that, it has been a pretty good release.

I'm exhausted. I can't imagine how exhausted my boss and my coworkers who were more involved are feeling. Up until the release at midnight on Monday morning, I put in a lot of extra time. I'm salaried, so this was all free for the hospital.

The sad thing is that all of the extra work from overtime will have to be redone at some point. I hope it's not me that has to do it all. The other newbie and me did the bulk of this extra work (because we could....others were doing other important things). It was a bit frustrating because the tools we were using were buggy (so we had to devise ways of getting around those bugs) and the rules kept changing as we went along.  Eh.

Tomorrow, I have the morning off for real. I'm working the evening shift, so I go in later - in fact, I'd better get ready soon - I need to be there at 1230.

Yesterday, I had to clean and get ready for quilt guild in the morning. Today I went to quilt guild this morning. Tomorrow, I don't have to be anywhere or do anything in the morning (except take the cat to the vet...but not til 9)

Mostly the work has been alright. It's fun to be part of a team and I have felt like the work is appreciated and useful. It's just been a long haul - I've been working every day since last Sunday, October 24.  I hope this is the exception for this job. At 3 months, it is hard to tell yet.

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