Friday, November 5, 2010

Almost a Week Past Go Live

It's not as rosy as I'd wished. To use the President's style of speech...I want to make one thing perfectly clear - patient care is not in any way being compromised. The workflow for the doctors and nurses is problematic and it annoys the doctors and nurses. I can't fix this particular problem, but others are working on it non-stop.

Quick changes to a production system are risky and make me nervous. I don't know one way or the other, but I really hope that with every change they are running their regression tests before it migrates to production. Fifteen years in software development has left a lingering impression on me.

...calm down, of course they are running regression tests!

I have been troubleshooting all kinds of lower priority problems and questions. Mostly I am getting them fixed or answered. I feel so empowered!

Today is my day off - my first day completely off since Saturday 10/23. What will I do with myself? I'm giddy with freedom.

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