Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fender Bender

I got rear-ended on the way home from work today. It was a slow speed crash, nothing but my back bumper was damaged. I am fine, the other driver and his son (also in the pickup truck) are both fine. The police and traveler assistance came quickly and were professional and polite about the whole thing.  The other driver was pretty nice about it, too. It was one of those no win situations. The car in front of me stopped short. I slammed on the brakes and slid, but the ABS stopped me in time. The truck behind me was not so lucky. It was raining lightly and the road was covered with a light sheen of water. He slid right into me.

Not a bad crash, as they go, but it is still a hassle and it will probably end up costing me some money. And I'm a little shaken up.

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