Sunday, November 7, 2010

Another day off, on the Cusp of 45

In an earlier post I retorted that I was 45 years old. Not quite yet...tomorrow's the big day.  I knew when I hit my 30th birthday it was the beginning of the end. So it's happening. Jeez, was that birthday really 15 years ago? Oy, oy, oy.

Mostly I don't feel like I'm 45; however, some days I'm tired. Today is such a day. I have no reason to think I have a disease. I wonder if it's age or just losing resiliency when I'm over extended. I wonder if I lost some weight and exercised more I'd have more energy.

Let's see. I've been blogging for three years (the 3 year anniversary of this blog was on November 3).  Seems that I don't write about quilting too much on this site. I should. Here are two quilt stories.

The Challenge Quilt
This is my submission to my guild's quilt challenge, entitled "It's Easy Being Green." It is a denim quilt made from two pairs of jeans cut up and denim from other sources (see label, below). I did not win any prizes but I got positive feedback. It's heavy and warm. When it was hanging during the show, I noticed it wasn't quite true - there was a slight lettuce edge on one side. Eh.

Denim Quilt with Riley

Close up of Piecing Detail. Notice the pocket from the jeans! Fun!

Quilt Back. 
You can see the quilting a little better. 
It is a simple zigzag pattern, free motioned

Here's the label that tells its story

The Charity Quilt
This little child's quilt was donated to the guild for our charity donations. It's a whole-cloth quilt, with a cowboy print on one side and a leathery brown cotton on the other. It was minimally tied - like, eight ties for the whole thing!  That's not nearly enough. I thought it needed to be quilted, so Friday and yesterday, I worked on it. I did large all-over stipple.

Now it's worthy of donation, in my humble opinion.

Front of quilt

Close up of stippling detail. Not bad! 
Although, I might call this a medium stipple, not large.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Your jean quilt! Did you use a pattern? I'd love to make something similar to yours for my nephew. Can you point me in a direction? I've never made seams that were wonky.
