Tuesday, November 30, 2010

No Pictures Yet

I was not as successful sewing this holiday weekend as I would have liked. I worked a lot, but did not reach my goals. I finished the second American Girl trench coat about five minutes ago.  I had hoped to complete both trench coats over the weekend *and* start quilting Ann's quilt. Didn't quite make it.  Didn't take any pictures yet, either.

Eh, it's OK.

Eight items completed, and I'd like to make 2 more. Maybe even more...but only because the pieces I've made so far don't coordinate into nice outfits.

Over the weekend, I played with my quilt guild charity quilts supplies - a guild member, D, wanted a few quilts to work on, and I prepared them for her. The tops and backs on many quilts were already paired (I had received them as such in May or June) and I picked out three projects for D. One of them was a kids quilt. When I went to package up the kids quilt top, batting and back, I was dismayed at the backing fabric. It was awful - thin, poor quality fabric in an outdated and cheap-looking kids print. I couldn't allow that! I threw that fabric away and pieced another back for the top.

Yeah, no wonder I didn't finish my doll clothes tasks!! I was working on that backing!! In my defense, this backing was mostly one piece of fabric, but it needed to be wider than 44 inches. I found a coordinating piece of fabric and sewed on strips to widen the back. I am pleased with how it turned out (and I used up more fabric - yay!!)

Another project was to pick out fabric for a different member, M, to cut in strips for a group project. It takes two coordinating colors/prints - it's a simple pattern, but makes a nice patchwork top. This has been fun matching pairs in contemporary color ways.

A third guild member wanted a hand quilting project for a relative who was willing. I found a small Trip Around the World pattern top and cut the batting and backing for her.

I still have to put together block kits and instructions for the mystery quilt project. I picked out binding for the two completed quilts I received last time. And, I need to pair a couple of more quilt sandwiches for people to pick up.

I like messing with the charity quilts supplies and projects. It appeals to the designer in me, even if it does interfere with my other goals.

Pictures soon, for real! I promise!

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