Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nomura Tailor

Here are some pictures of the fabric shop in Kyoto.

Nomura Tailor Fabric shop in Kyoto.

Here, they have pieces of the fabric with price and info, displayed above the rolls. You can see and touch the samples, then find the roll if you want it. Nice that you don't have to mess with the rolls until you know you want the fabric.

Close up of some fabrics. The price is yen per meter.

In the stairwell, they had some completed projects and design ideas. Notice the holiday projects to the right. Halloween is popular in Japan, but I got the sense that they don't understand what it's really about in America. They have Christmas, too, but it's treated more like a Valentine's day.

I thought this was hilarious! But, of course they'd have Katakana and Hiragana appliques, just like we have iron-on letters! In the lower left corner are some "modifiers" you can add to your "letters." They're kind of like accents in European languages.

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