Friday, October 15, 2010

Japanese Fabrics

Here is some of what I bought in Kyoto.

First is a sampling of Japanese linen fabric. Linen is very hot for Japanese designs and I haven't been able to find anything suitable in my local shops. (I would probably have better luck online.) The top print is a fun whimsical design in green and brown on beige/natural linen. The middle one is a small piece (like a fat quarter) of chocolate brown linen.

I have not sewed with linen before, so I didn't buy very much of each piece. There is a meter of the natural linen at the bottom. That should keep me busy for a while, working through my Zakka Sewing book.

Above is a 2011 calendar printed on linen. I bought this "blind" - they had a small pail with a bunch of these calendars in it, all rolled up. I could not see the design but could tell there was a variety of styles and colors. I'm pleased with the gardening girl design. Very organic looking. I hope to post close ups of the designs in the center and on the corners; I tried taking some pictures, but they didn't turn out.

The calendar has all the holidays displayed in red! Oh wait. Holidays for Japan.

I plan to hem the edges and made a sleeve for a dowel for each end, then hang it up.

What is it about the Japanese and bunnies?

I personally don't like bunnies all that much - they're cute and all, but they don't do it for me like puppies and kitties. But these fabrics were exceedingly cute! The upper one is a slubby fabric with very Japanese style designs on it - a leaping rabbit, a mountain, a wave, a bit of clamshell pattern. I picked this out for the backing my Japanese fabric quilt/wall hanging (or whatever it turns out to be). 

I have been collecting Japanese fabrics, particularly indigo dyed linen and sashiko on linen for a patchwork project. Now I have 2 meters of real Japanese fabric for the back!

The lower fabric was in the remnant bin and it was just so cute, I had to have it. I don't know what I ll do with it, and it's only a quarter of a meter across. 

I bought several other items and will post pictures soon, once I get some good photos of them.

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