Friday, October 15, 2010

A brief Vent

My job is still new and I haven't learned how to deal with everyone just yet. I've met so many people and I've been terribly exhausted.

I think there's one in my group I might have a problem with. She's somewhat passive aggressive. Maybe she feels insecure? Ugh. We've had some communication issues in the 2 months I've been there and I think she thinks I'm an idiot.

But what annoyed me this time is that I get a feeling of superiority from her. Today it bugged me, and I identified what it was: she called me kiddo.

I'm forty fucking five years old.

She uses her little terms of endearment with everyone, but she doesn't always use kiddo. Sometimes it's "honeybun." Sometimes it's Fred.

We were having a discussion and I had a wrong impression about how a process works. She got this amused look on her face, and explained things to me as if I didn't get it. Well, in a way I didn't, but in a way I did, I just saw it differently. The kiddo interjection really made me question her attitude during the conversation.

Eh, whatever. I will work despite.

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