Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why haven't I posted?

It's been a difficult 2 weeks. My job. I finally had my melt down at work...I knew it was coming, but didn't know how to divert it without being a total asshole.

It wasn't that dramatic to the outside eye. I went to the breakroom and sobbed for about 20 minutes. Then I waited another 20 minutes to try to look normal again (to let the redness and puffiness of my eyes recede). Then I went to the boss and told her I didn't want to be the charge nurse any more.

She agreed and I'm done with charging. I feel like a quitter, but the pressure and stress was making me nuts. Snide comments, anger, negative attitude, barely able to talk politely to anyone. That is not why I work, to become a mean girl. If that's the end of my potential for success there, so be it. Who cares. I work for me and my joy.

On to my second interview with that semi-IT job today. We'll see what happens.

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