Sunday, June 27, 2010

No offer, but lots of work done

No job offer yet. Like a dork, I carried my cell phone on me all day on Wednesday and Thursday at work, just in case I get the call.  Experience has taught me that human resources and organizational shenanigans take a lot more time than you think they should. I am not worried. Yet.

If I need to worry, then I need to get back to work on my contingency plan.

Interestingly, my boss was out of the office all last week and now, I interact less with the minion, and it was a nice week.

I had a very productive two days off so far. Chores done, errands run, and getting some work done on the charity quilts stash.  I also took time to play by making an adorable little fabric basket from my newest book, Zakka Sewing.  Look! Kawaii, desu ne? (cute, isn't it)?

My guild challenge quilt is completely basted - I need to decide how to quilt it now. The design of the top begs for modern/contemporary style quilting, but I haven't worked out the entire plan.

Charity Quilts is a happy, chaotic mess. The boxes contain dozens of semi-started projects, hundreds if precut squares, semi-organized categories, non-quilting-related ephemera, but what we need is focus. I don't think I can go through everything and pick the best projects. My strategy thus far is to pick a box at random, see what's in it, clean out the crap (if any), and build some projects from what I find. I have created two group projects.

First group project is a mystery quilt. I have the plan in mind, but I will parcel out portions of the project and put it together without letting the participants know the big picture. This will use up several dozen charm squares in red and blue.

Second group project will use up a bunch of squares cut from Curious George fabric. I made a double square-in-a-square pattern featuring the Curious George precut squares. I may nix this project if the rest of my committee thinks the block is too complicated - bias sewing can be tricky. Otherwise, I'll advertise this as an "intermediate" level block.

Hm, there's an idea - provide group projects at different skill levels. Neat-o.

Seems like the more fabric I work with, the happier I am.

That's all for now...

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