Thursday, June 17, 2010

Becoming an online personality...

I started another blog. It's just around the corner:  I am planning to use that blog to become a presence online. I want to promote my Etsy store, but also become an online resource for specific kinds of crafting. Sure, there are plenty of crafting websites out there. But, I want to bring my unique perspective to the world.

This is all still play for me. I wonder if I can make some money at it? I wonder if I can become valuable to a population of readers?  Wonder what it will feel like to be successful at it? 


I'm experimenting with becoming my own brand, as was presented at the O You! conference in Kansas City in October last year. Martha Beck talked extensively about this idea, and about finding the intersect of all of your passions and making it work for your life, either as career or mission. Either way, these things are your passion and to achieve a deeply satisfying life, you must live them.

The new blog is for playing with design, art, craft, opinion, recommendation, review. It is to be focused. It is my public persona.

I am still attached to this blog, though. I want my therapy blog, too. Maybe some day I'll have to take it down, to protect the public image. After all, I've written some intensely personal things here, not all of it complimentary, and certain people could figure out about whom I have written. 

We'll see. The Internet is vast; let's see how much of a niche I can occupy.

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