Tuesday, January 5, 2010

That last post

...was not really reflective of my state of mind. Whimsy is a bit low on the priority scale right now. But, how often is the date a binary number? I just had to make that post.


I am currently reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert on the Kindle. I am completely devouring it. Her writing style is blog-like, and I find it easy to read. I am drawn to self-discovery type books. In some ways, I feel like I'm reading her letters to a close friend or her travel journal. So, to me, it doesn't feel like "real" reading.

Reading this book doesn't hurt. Hm; now, that's a thought.


My career is in a strange place. At night, I am having dreams in which I'm trying to get somewhere but I am halted at every turn. Either I take a wrong turn, or the way I think I need to go is actually the road to someplace else, or it's a dead end, or suddenly there's another task I need to do and my progress is delayed.

My husband says this type of dream occurs when one is "stuck." I suppose it is my career... I don't feel particularly stuck in other aspects of life. While I feel like I need a new challenge, I am comfortable where I am and I don't really want the awkwardness of a new work environment. I would rather not expend my energy stressing about a new job.

Sometimes I do feel like I need to get that guerilla nursing experience that the true leaders always seem to have (if they don't have it, then they aren't as respected). People are all impressed if you've worked in emergency, the operating room, or intensive care. It makes you a "tough" nurse (hm. these venues require/encourage male qualities...interesting, no?). Though, none of these venues are calling to me.

Interestingly, I look at a local clinical software company periodically. I do a Career Builder search for "nurse" and "software" every once in a while.

Horrifying, isn't it? Going back to software after all this time - could I?

Well, no resolution yet. And, I'm so close to the next level of my vesting in retirement, that I'm not going anywhere for at least 3 months or so.


Creatively, I am bursting with creativity. I made several of my Christmas gifts this year and totally enjoyed doing it. Now, I'm working on a free motion machine quilting project that I haven't picked up for months. I have a few new hats in progress. I'm scrapbooking again. I'm working on some minor home dec projects.

The creativity bubbles forth. I will enjoy it while it lasts!!

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