Friday, January 8, 2010

Embracing Winter

At least I'm trying to embrace winter. It is difficult, especially when it is -1 degree when you wake up in the morning. On the positive side, I am blessed to have a warm house to come home to and stay.

I have a whole day to myself! What *shall* I do??? So much possibility...

A Sighting

I live in suburbia, and while there is greenspace around, we don't really have wilderness nearby. So imagine my surprise when I saw a red fox running down the street in daylight, just this morning!!! Winnie, our hound dog, spied something out the window and made an uncharacteristic low menacing growl. She exploded into high pitched howls, moments later. I looked out front, and there it was, loping down the road, against a backdrop of new snow. It was not subtle.

I am a little superstitious, I guess. I wonder if there's meaning in this encounter?

All of life's questions are answered on the Internet. Here is what I found about a fox sighting:
Fox comes to us when we need to slip out of a situation so we can be silent witness to what is really taking place behind the scenes. We need to use our cleverness to our advantage, but we must remember to be discreet. Fox asks us to carefully look at where we are coming from, so we can remember to approach things with a clear conscious.
Indeed they write these things to be generic and broadly applicable. However, it has relevance to this time in my career. Is it time to slip out? Must I be clever and discreet? I wish it was more clear.

I will work on quilting, do some chores and maybe start to put together my Yudu. It is time to learn how to use my new screen printer.

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