Friday, January 29, 2010

Fierce and Sincere

Sometimes I really like words. Last night as I came home from work, I listened to This American Life on my iPod. "Long Shots" was the theme for this story. At one point, the narrator described his argument with his girlfriend, which escalated as she disagreed with his goal of fixing up his father's dilapidated house. His argument became "fierce and sincere," he said.

Extremely descriptive and specific.

What is on my mind these days? A few things...


We are short staffed - due to retirement, reduced work schedule or one nurse (she went to "PRN" - call in only), and vacations. I am not getting the schedule I prefer, and next month, three of my four weeks are scheduled with 3 days in a row (12 hour shifts). I don't like doing 3 in a row, primarily because it is very tiring, and by the end of the third day, I'm becoming pretty stupid. Caffeine helps me get through it. Yesterday, was the end of such a stint. I'm wiped out.

Another thing I dislike about the three in a row is that I get really behind on chores at home. Husband doesn't mind the entire sink filled with dishes, for example. I just let it go, because something needs to give, and it isn't going to be my sleep, or my yoga, or my one hour of down time in the evenings. Nevertheless, the mess stresses me.

As for next month, at least I got all of the Tuesdays off. Tuesdays are my personal days for guild, bee, appointments, etc. I treasure them.

Today, I've resolved to cease complaining about the schedule. I will suck it up and do it - the people doing the schedule are not being careless or inconsiderate. There simply is not a lot of choice when staffing is low. We must have enough nurses to run the unit.


I've sold a few hats at work again, but no movement on the web shop. I need to post more product. I need to work on a marketing plan and realize this plan. I need to work on pattern development.

I got my round robin done for guild next Tuesday and I am pleased with the results. I really pulled some tricks to get an entire border out of the fabric that remained with the project. I did some embellishment piecing at the corners, with solid fabric for the majority of the border.

Music and Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking has been put down for a while. My Wind Ensemble has a concert on Sunday, and the music is quite challenging. I've been focusing much time on practice; however, it is not doing a whole heck of a lot of good. My old brain is not retaining. My old brain can't concentrate as deeply as it used to. My old fingers are slow.

I foolishly volunteered to make a scrapbook for one of our nurses who is retiring at the end of February. I convinced another nurse to take pictures for it, then I will do the cropping, printing and putting it together. I think I'll just follow a formula from my scrapbooking book; it will be easier to put together.

Foolish, yes. But also kind.

Today, despite my fatigue, I must do some chores and shopping.

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