Thursday, September 10, 2009

Simple Tribute

Here are two pictures of Simple Tribute. This is the best photography I could do in limited time and space. The pattern is from American Patchwork and Quilting magazine. I forget which issue - I'm thinking around 2003, when 9-11 was so fresh in the nations memory and the war was new. You can find the pattern at

Quilt Top

Block Detail

It's a basic 13-piece Log Cabin pattern with a gold center (instead of the traditional red), with one half whites, the other half a selection of reds and blues. This is a queen size quilt, the largest I've ever made. I wanted it to be scrappy, hence the variety of fabrics used. Originally, I thought the light section should be more beige, but as I was making the blocks, I thought the whites looked so much nicer and crisper. This choice had the unintentional consequence of making the quilt turn out "whiter" overall than I anticipated. I still like it a lot. I just had a different expectation.

I can't believe it's done. I think I have been working on it for nearly 2 years.

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