Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Today I labored on my "Simple Tribute" project. It has sat in a box for several months; I was afraid to work on it because of the perceived stress I would feel. I had put all the rows together, and when I attempted to place my first sashing strip, it didn't match up at all. The strip includes corner squares at the join points and some of the sashing strips have points to make an 8-point star and these intersections.

I tore out my first sashing strip and put the project aside for a while. It took *that much* emotional energy. All that work, and the pieces didn't fit together!

Now, months later, I decided to take another look. I took a different approach: a technique like setting in a sleeve on a shirt by starting at the middle and fixing specific points (in this case the sashing intersect points), instead of lining up one end and hoping it would all fit into place. With a little ease here, a slight stretch there, it worked. I am so pleased.

I have completed the piecing part of the top! All 80 blocks and the sashing. I've got two borders on now. If I get the last two borders on, the top will be....*gasp*... done.

Should I even hope it could be ready for the guild quilt show?

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