Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mid month status

I contacted the quilter about getting my simple tribute top quilted. She asked if I *had* to have it by Christmas, as her schedule was filling up. Ouch. So much for placing it the guild quilt show in October...

I can wait; it can go in next year's quilt show.

I started making a few more scrub caps for my friends and the idea of an Etsy business has come to mind again. I spent some more time reading about how to set up an Etsy storefront. I haven't thought of a clever name yet, but I am collecting ideas as they come to me. Additionally, I'm thinking about original designs and techniques. I currently have my own patterns, modifications of purchased patterns. I hope that's not copyright infringement.

I mean, how many ways can you make a scrub cap?

I have some unique style ideas, involving applique, piecing and printing. I need to follow though and create some inventory. The buzz for the heart walk 2010 is starting again, and people are looking to me to lead and do the scrub cap fundraiser again. Heck, it could be a good start to my business.

Work Issues

The new hire in the cath lab started and I get to smile and be all friendly to her. Actually she seems nice; she certainly didn't do anything to me. I have no reason to be mad at her. Still, it reminds me that I was rejected. Eh.

I have not had any urge to work in critical care, and therefore qualify for such a position. I think I'll sit tight for now.

Now, I am involved in a staffing experiment on my unit. I agreed to work 4 10-hour shifts starting at 6:00am. This schedule starts tomorrow. When I agreed to do this, I didn't think too much about it, but now that it is imminent, I am having regrets. This gives me only one day per week to myself, and I'm not happy about that. I frequently have to give that day to work, anyway, for training, such is the case this week. I have to work 5 days in a row.

Yeah, I know, that's what most people have, but I am not used to it. And, I'll be working overtime. I don't like it.

The "training" I get to do is yet another test, in which I have to prove I can do all the skills I do every day. I do not like being tested so much. At least after 3 years in nursing I am getting numb to the testing. Everything is a goddamn test.

I just have to get through this week. Things will be better later. This staffing experiment only lasts 4 weeks.

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