Sunday, August 30, 2009


Another posting on faith. It's Sunday, after all.

When I was in nursing school, one of my fellow students decided to have a Bible Study at her house. She rented a 9-week series by Beth Moore called "Believing God." It was pretty good. We watched a video in a group one day a week, then individually, we would work in a workbook over the next 7 days, exploring the theme of that week's presentation. My classmate invited some of her friends as well as some other students.

I think I was the only classmate who made it through the whole thing. Besides the organizer, of course.

I'm rereading my workbook from the Bible Study. It's an interesting read - there are lessons and there are sections we were supposed to fill out, which I did. I did most of the Bible readings and I answered the questions. I didn't always fill out the devotional sections or personal reflections. Nevertheless, I got something out of it. Reading the Bible is certainly not a waste of time, at the very least.

I guess what I'm pondering today is how much I've forgotten about the study. It was an uplifting, edifying study. I have forgotten how much stronger it made me feel.

I might like to do a Bible study again. One challenge is that I go to the middle church service and they schedule all of the adult Sunday school classes during that time - I guess it's for the convenience of those who go to the early service or the late service. Fine. I also don't have a consistent night free with my current work schedule, so evening based programs are difficult.

So much for that.

I think I'll keep reading this notebook though. I feel a bit lost lately, searching for direction, in some ways.

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