Sunday, June 21, 2009

What next?

It is mid year, and today is the summer solstice.

My new years resolution has not panned out all that well. I had intended to write one thank you note a week to someone. Then, when that failed, I'd hoped to have a more thankful attitude and verbally thank people for their help and support, even little things. Honestly, though, I forgot. 

I can take it back up if I were so moved.  I might. It's a good idea.

I did not start a new major project this year. I had hoped to at the beginning of the year, but no, nothing has materialized. I am pondering a couple of options:
  1. Change jobs.
  2. Still considering organizing a regional clarinet choir
  3. Start a small artisan business making scrub caps.
Scrub caps, you say? Didn't they drive you crazy, making 'em for the fundraiser earlier this year?  Yes... sort of, but making them was also personally rewarding to me. I still get a kick seeing my coworkers wearing them. I am considering selling them on Etsy, the handmade marketplace. I have some ideas for unique designs. Naturally this would not be a way to make a million dollars, more of a way to express creativity.

I've always been better at creative application than original pursuits.

Change jobs.  I don't know about that. Someone mentioned a job opening in the cardiology office doing research. My husband suggests that I investigate, mainly because I have the opportunity to do so - a coworker actually thought of me for a certain position, she though I'd be a good match. My ego responds....

I have considered going to the cath lab for a while, but the stars are not aligned for me to do so. No positions have been open. In fact, one of the people I would personally enjoy working with in the cath lab is considering doing something else. Well, ironically, that would free up a position. Hm. Destiny seems to be directing me towards electrophysiology. The cardiology job is in electrophysiology research. There is an open nursing position in the electrophysiology lab right now. 

*whine* but I don't like the EP doctors as much as the cath lab doctors, and I seem to get along so much better with the cath lab nurses. */whine*

Sounds like a good reason to stay put.

Clarinet choir is the other option. I am not actively playing right now. My motivation for it has diminished. It seems that I need a partner for this to work.

Chances are, I'll probably do nothing. That's OK with me too, at the moment.

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