Monday, June 1, 2009


Well, I never finished that previous post.  Guess I'll come back to it later.

Finally, finally, it is warm....nay, hot. Thank goodness. I love the heat.

I got cancelled at work again today. I've worked hours the last few weeks, but that's OK with me. In fact, this is the life I wanted when I made the switch to nursing. I don't mind being called out, so long as I keep my benefits. I like my job. I just like free time more.

This weekend was the Heart Walk, which was fun, and now I am "done" with the scrub caps.  (Making and selling scrub caps was our unit's fundraiser. Guess who made most of the caps?) I put the word "done" in quotes because Friday was the absolute last day I would take orders, and then I got two more orders from the Electrophysiology (EP) lab. That's it.

One EP nurse tried to get me to make her a new cap with a modified pattern, after I had already made her a cap. She got her cap, and decided it was too small for her head. I had modified the pattern in one way for the big-head people; I offered to make her one following that modified pattern. Then she asked if I could make a larger head band. Oy! For heaven's sake! I thought I was being accommodating by offering to re-make her hat! That wasn't enough. She finally said, forget it.

I felt bad about refusing her...but not bad enough to redesign, sew, and probably have her unsatisfied again. I need to be done with this project.

Yard work, sewing, prep for guild meeting all done this weekend. It was busy. I am glad I have another day off to finish a few more tasks. (I almost typed "all my tasks" but, God knows, I won't be able to complete everything.  Never done.)

Happy June!

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