Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I think New Year's Resolutions are alright. I have made some in the past and stuck with them to some extent. I try to make them something that I truly want to achieve and that is realistic to achieve.

I have an interesting "candidate" resolution for this year. I read in the paper an article on Thank You notes, and in which the author quotes a mentor of hers that she should write a thank you note a day. She protests that she doesn't think she has that many people to thank! Then you are just not looking hard enough, is the reply.

This thought has captured my imagination. Indeed I believe I have enough people to thank for one note a day. I probably have even more than that! I am truly blessed...even though I forget that every so often.

Should this be my New Year's Resolution?

Realistically, I don't think I can commit to one thank you note a day. I could probably sustain one thank you note a week. One a month would not be enough.

There are several goals in such a resolution: increase my awareness and make me more sensitive to appreciating those around me, establishing a writing discipline, practicing penmanship (I type most of the time anymore), nurturing my relationships. Seems like a great thing to do!

One thank you note per week. That's a lot, really. Can I do it? Should I commit to it? What do you think, dear reader?

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