Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

I rang in the new year with a Monty-Python-esque "yay...."

I have made the following resolution:

  • I resolve to write one thank-you note a week for 2009.

It's nearly the end of the first week, and I haven't done it yet.  I suppose I could fudge on this and "not count" this week. Why would I make a resolution I can't even delude myself into starting? Doing so is a good idea. It will help me get out of myself. It is good discipline to write. I really like my friends and family and it would please them to get a letter from me in the mail.  It's relatively painless to do, and it's not expensive. I have some lovely stationery I can use.

I didn't say I'd send them all, notice. That's intentional. I want the creative freedom to thank people I cannot mail to (e.g. deceased, or someone I don't know how to contact). I plan to send as many as possible, of course.

I am still working on a new goal/direction.

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