Friday, December 26, 2008

This Christmas

I was supposed to work. Once again, the phone rang at 5:00 am and I was canceled. I was delighted again, not as much as on Christmas Eve. The reason was that I had a long day at home previously and I was ready to be cheery for a few hours on Christmas Day. It's OK. I think my husband was happier that I could stay home, although he could do without the 5:00 am phone call.

I got bored yesterday. It was gray out and windy. We did have some nice gifts from each other, friends, and family. My husband bought "us" Guitar Hero and we played a bit. I am fantastically bad at this games - computer games rarely capture my interest anyway. I'd rather read a book, work on a quilt, write a post to my blog, knit, cook, exercise, grocery shop....well, just about anything. Nevertheless, I tried it and I admit, it's kind of fun.

I am still fantastically bad at it though. You'd think I'd be good at it because I'm a musician. I bet I'd be good at it if they used the language of music rather than the language of gamers. I know what a syncopated rhythm looks like in notes and time signatures, not in matching the dot to the target.

We went out to a friend's house for a few hours. Against my better judgment, we went to a friend's family gathering by a quick casual invitation, after I'd mentioned we had no plans. (I know, I know, what did I post just a few days ago???). It was OK. I had been looking forward to it because my friend had said the family gets together and plays games and eats all day. There were few games to be found. I goofed around with Dance Dance Revolution vs. a 10 year old, and half-heartedly tried to get a game of Scrabble together. They talked among themselves, although early on, some of them did interact with us a lot. The guys were all absent, putting together a table saw down the basement.

The chemistry wasn't there. We left, then drove out to the Plaza to see the lights. It was pretty.

When we got home, we went to play Guitar Hero again. This time, we tried "quick play" instead of training mode. I was so bad...the computer generated crowd booed me off the stage. It's tough when a virtual audience things you suck. And it hit me the wrong way.

Eh, it's over. The gifts are given. Today I've been taking advantage of the sales and enjoying the shopping therapy. I got some great deals!!

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