Saturday, July 30, 2011

A day of rest

I took Friday (yesterday) off on a whim. This grieving has been exhausting, even though I am not wailing, crying, or feeling frighteningly unstable. Really, I'm OK, but it is taking a bit more emotional energy to get through the day. That's why I wanted a day off.

It was nice. I went to a church-based rummage sale and serendipitously ran into an acquaintance there. It was a pleasant interaction...and I found some nifty little things at the rummage sale to take home. One of them was a book on terrariums - apparently terrariums are "in" again. The book was from 1973, but it still applies.  Anyway, since I drove all the way to the sale, I felt I ought to help the church out a bit and buy a few things.

Then I went shopping at the mall. I don't go to the mall very often and it was pleasant to go again. I was reminded how nice it is to have all the shops right in one place, and not to have to get in and out of a hot car in between.

Next, I picked up my serger from the Bernina shop.  I had purchased my Bernette 334DS at an estate sale, missing a few parts, and I wanted to have it serviced to make sure it is in proper working order. It's in good shape, and I got the parts I needed. Now all I need is to learn how to use it. Fortunately, they have a teacher!

Then I stopped by Target. I had been eyeing a small shelf unit for my sewing room which happened to be on sale this week. I picked up a number of other things we needed.

By the time dear husband came home from work, I had planned a good dinner. I had the time to make something good - I made some stuffed zucchini with fried couscous cakes (something like pancakes) on the side. The meal came out delicious.  Both recipes were from Martha Stewart's Everyday Food magazine. I recently got a free copy of that magazine, and I'm coming to like it.

In the evening, I worked on my hexagon quilt and one of Mom's cross stitch projects, while watching Burn Notice, one of my current favorite shows. I have a huge crush on Michael Westen, the main character. Sure, actor Jeffery Donovan is easy on the eyes, but really, it's Michael that I pine for. (Since he's fictional, this crush is safe.) This season he has slightly longer hair that looks just so sexy...oh my, he just makes my heart aflutter.

In all it was a nurturing day, just what I needed.

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