Monday, January 3, 2011


I start my fourth calendar year as a blogger.

I do not have many projects in mind for 2011. 2010 was a productive year. I finished my Simple Tribute project and I finished a denim quilt for a guild challenge. I entered them both in the show. I got more blocks done on Aunt Millie's garden.  I organized and facilitated many Charity Quilts projects for the guild. I taught some mini seminars at guild. I sold a few hats, and published some original writing on my rikrax blog.

Although, sadly, rikrax is hibernating. My job is too busy to allow me time to do this. I am sad about that.

I would like to work on some modern style quilts this year. I may get more involved in the online quilting community since I must withdraw from guild due to my job. Change involves both loss and gains.

I have a selfish little vacation coming up this weekend in which I can concentrate on me. I think I'll meditate and pray on my future and just listen.

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