Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Vacation that won't be in my top ten list

This past weekend, we got to go on a "free" cruise given to us (and all the other employees) by my husband's company. The stars were not aligned.

The flight was at 6:00 am on Friday.  Got to the cruise ship, no trouble, signed up for some spa treatments and rested for a while. The ship left Miami at about 4:00. By 6:00 I was a mess with seasickness. The ocean was very rough for a few hours; I heard I was not the only one feeling like crap. I just skipped dinner and slept.

Husband was slightly ill the whole time - not with seasickness, but with a cough and cold and stress and whatever else makes him inclined to be sluggish this time of year. Every time he lay down, the coughing started. It was not like I could sleep in the guest room.

We spent way too much money on entertainment; although I did enjoy the spa treatments, yoga class, gambling (Texas Hold 'Em), and exotic beverages.  Nassau in the Bahamas was as seedy as the last time we were there about 10 years ago. We didn't spend much time in town, but even the 2 hours we did wander around the business district was a waste. The food on the cruise was decent. The other people on the cruise were not exactly my kind of crowd. There were a number of beautiful young princes and princesses who looked and acted as if they were on "Jersey Shore." 'nuff said.

To make our return flight, we had to debark in the first group - EARLY! When we got to the airport, our flight was cancelled due to snow. We had to stay another day and we were rebooked on anther EARLY flight the next day, Tuesday. When we got to the airport and checked in, the airline strung us along all day and finally cancelled the flight at 2:00 pm. Fortunately we didn't have to stay another day; instead we booked on a different airline and left at 6:00pm. We arrived in Kansas at about 11:00pm, to lovely 7 degree weather. Then we had to dig out our car.

We didn't bring the cell phones because we were to be out of the country and didn't want to deal with roaming fees. This meant we had no easy way for us to call work or call the kennel where we board the dogs or the vet where we board the cat to let them know we were stuck.

It was simply one hassle after another. We spent way too much money for a "free" vacation. It resulted in too much stress for missing work and being tired and screwing up my schedule.

I tried to keep a positive attitude. However, I didn't find any female pals among husband's coworkers or their spouses. And overall, I had a little too much close proximity with the husband.

It was just not good. I'm glad to be home, and really glad to find my first Block of the Month kit in the mail!!

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