Monday, August 9, 2010

A New Job

Today I started my new job. It's a desk job. It's back in my comfort zone.

I think it will be awesome. No, really! The positive energy in that office is palpable. There's enthusiasm, even if they're over worked. They're friendly and relaxed, and they do team builder things.

I was nervous about the job - will I like it? Will it end up frustrating me? Will I be happy? Is it too much?
Oy, I'm responsible for 16 units - more than any of my coworkers have assigned.  I will serve on committees. I will attend meetings. I have a pager and I have my own phone number.  Back to professional-land.

I'm glad my first day went well. My new boss even hugged me - now that's something else.

Maybe, just maybe, I've found it....where I belong.

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