Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More on the new job, and a few ramblings

I started the new job last week and I survived the first week. It's actually very nice and I like it a lot so far. Change, for me, is difficult, so I'm trying to be kind to myself during this transition - not too much pressure to be productive in my non-work hours. I may not be able to post as much as I'd like.

And now, the ramblings...

I saw the movie Eat, Pray, Love this weekend. I totally enjoyed it and I think they did a nice adaptation of the book. I started rereading the book....and I'm addicted again. I'm so into self-awareness and self-actualization.

I participated in a quilt workday on Saturday in which I made two tops. I was a total goof when I attempted to make one of my quilts in the "simple" manner by stitching around the edges and turning it inside out. When I turned it inside out, the batting was on the outside and the backing was on the inside!

So, I thought I'd do the right thing and rip out the stitching and do over. 

And then....I did the same damn thing! I stitched, turned, and ended up with the batting on the outside AGAIN. What a dork.

Since then, I took it home, fixed it for real, and I've been quilting it in a pleasing zig zag pattern. It has come out quite nice. The fabric selection in the kit was very contemporary - mauve, plum, orange, pink and white in retro-modern . It sounds strange, but it really works!

Here I am with a four patch, part of the second quilt top I made.

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