Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What is this teaching me?

Today's wisdom asserts that life is a series of lessons, and that events that occur in one's life in order to teach something.

So what is this teaching me? Here's what happened.

Yesterday was guild day, it was one of my favorite meetings of the year, in which we sew together for charity. It was also the last day of our round robin. Yesterday was supposed to be the "big reveal," in which the completed quilt tops were returned to the owner of the initial block.

I was first to reveal the top I just worked on. The owner of that top was supposed to go next, and the owner of the quilt she displayed would go next, and so forth. Hence my quilt was to be the last one, just by the luck of the draw. One by one the quilts were revealed: ooh, ahhh, murmurs the crowd.

Oh, look! Five of the six have been shown.

Wait. Why are they showing the opportunity quilt. Mine was supposed to be next! "Hey!" I shouted joyfully, "Where's mine?"

Silly girl, hadn't you heard? It was forgotten.

The person who worked on mine last forgot to bring it to the meeting.

Oh, palpable disappointment. I sort of felt like crying, but in the end I was just mad. I mean really. I participate in the guild activities, I'm a team player keeping up with all the assignments, and this is the thanks I get. I get to be an afterthought next month. Oh joy.

I suppose it's teaching me not to think I'm something, to appreciate when things go right better, and to lower my expectations. Nevertheless, it still hurt my feelings. I had a few choice words muttered under my breath, and I made a few whining complaints to my friends. I'll let it go later.

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