Thursday, July 30, 2009


I am between vacations right now - leaving one week from today to have my girlfriend getaway in Boston, after having returned from Ohio to visit my brother, sister-in-law, and niece.

Had a nice time in northeast Ohio. It was good to reconnect....I am not "best friends" with my brother, but I would like to establish a relationship, at least. Therefore, I am working on it.

We tried Chrissy Hind's restaurant in Akron, called The Vegiterranean. It was a beautiful restaurant and the food was very good, also. All vegan, how about that! I tried the Gardein (meat substitute) Scallopini...very good, but a little oily. I hope it was olive oil....

Also "between" is dear husband - between contracts. The days he has off now are weekends to him, he doesn't have to do anything. I don't have any days to myself in this between time. Shit.

At least he said he'd complete a honey-do list, so I'd better get to work on it. Yay, his time off generated another task for me. At least he agreed.

But for God's sake. The dishwasher was full of clean dishes since we got back Tuesday night. You can't put dirty ones in it. So....uh...empty it? You have all day, don't you? Apparently not.

Now he's following me around the house. I get up out of bed, it's time for him to get up. I work in the kitchen, he watches TV in the (adjacent)family room. I move into the office to check email and work on my blog, he suddenly needs to work on his email and computer things. It'll be curious to see how often this happens today.

I hope he gets a job soon.

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