Saturday, September 6, 2008


I've had a productive couple of weeks. I've had some time off from work, and I've been working on my projects.

The baby quilt is completely quilted and trimmed. All I need now is the binding. I'm excited about the binding because I'm going to sandwich in some rick rack between the binding and the quilt. It'll make a merry little detail to the back. I hope they don't worry that it's too feminine a quilt - the backing is a cute Beatrix Potter print with characters from her stories. the background of this print is beige, and in certain lights it looks a little pinkish. The front of the quilt is strip pieced in blue, green and brown prints. The dad receiving this baby quilt is definitely a man's man - the kind that would freak out over something pink for his boy.

Might turn him into a fag, donchaknow. Heh, yeah, right.

When I picked out the fabric for this gift, no one knew that it was going to be a boy. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.

I should I post some photos of this quilt. It's cute.

I also finished my first crochet scarf. It's a mesh-like pattern of double crochet with chain stitches, interspersed with long rows of a fun-fur like yarn. This gives it a punch of color (multi-color, actually) and makes it soft and fuzzy. I even put the long fringes on the end, also made of the fur yarn.

I am refreshed and grounded. Ready to get back to work and get back to sewing.

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