Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Too Much Work

I am working too much. I have had to go in on many of my days off for training classes and meetings such that I'm in at least 4 days a week. This week it's 5 days, in a row.

I know what you're thinking. "Most people work 5 days, so quit your bitchin'."

You are right, dear reader. Nevertheless, I am tired and feeling a bit overworked. Work is not so much fun - and on Monday, I walked on the unit (barely on time) to find out I was surprise precepting (orienting) the new hire. Surprise! I thought I could get away without having to precept him again, because I didn't especially enjoy doing it last time. The last minute change to my plan for the day is stressful to me. Additionally, the new hire guy has this "Robin Williams" kind of schtick he does in an attempt to be funny or likable or to deal with his stress or something. It gets on my nerves after a while.

I am looking forward to the weekend. I have 5 days off in a row; a rare gift. Oh. Wait. Make that 4.5 days off in a row. I have to go in to work on my first day off, Friday, for a meeting. Middle of the afternoon. Yippee.

I just want to sew and quilt and enjoy my beautiful backyard right now. Just a little humble fun.

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