Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Happy Posting

Here are a few happy thoughts.

When I went to the doctor on Tuesday, I didn't have to have a Pap smear. Yahoo!

I also got a new prescription for my "happy pills." I'm writing a happy posting. Coincidence??

I booked our vacation to Japan this October. We're committed now!

I haven't posted much about starting IVs lately. Why? Because I've become proficient at them. I get 50% or better. That is such a relief that they are not a big deal any more.

I visited the patient I wrote about last week, who needed the urgent open-heart surgery. She looked better - had some color in her cheeks, looked more bright-eyed. Wow.

My neighbor's lilac is blooming. It smells luscious over between the two houses.

My vegetable garden is growing. It's exciting to see baby radishes, carrots, and lettuce emerge from the soil. Miracle.

It is spring. Miracle.


Anonymous said...

Yay spring! *cough, wheeze*
Allergies are bad in my family, been dealing with them as well as Rachel's asthma. I love spring, but I hate what it does to us. :P

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