Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A few thoughts on Health

Today I go to the doctor. I am going for a "well woman" checkup. Women are encouraged to do this - go get a pap smear, mammogram, and crap like that. Generally, I do - I probably wouldn't have done it consistently over all the years but it was the only way to get birth control. Need a prescription. Going in once a year was a lot easier than dealing with an unintended pregnancy and parenthood.

But I digress...

My health is pretty good. I don't have any major conditions, aside from the depression which I wrote about earlier. My family history is also pretty good; many of the illnesses that run in my family are related to lifestyle. For example, my mother is diabetic, but she's also very overweight and inactive.

I have some lifestyle issues that are not so good. I am a bit on the plump side. My BMI is creeping into the "overweight" category. In the last 10 years I've put on about 10 pounds. Not awful bad, but something I do not want to continue. I eat in a rather undisciplined manner. Too much junk, too much sugar and salt. My blood pressure is creeping up.

I don't exercise enough. I don't do anything aerobic regularly.

Lately I've been tired. My theory on it is that I am dealing some depression right now. I have run out of my antidepressants. (hence, the doctor's appointment.) This is a tough time of year for me, having suffered through the bleakness of the winter. It's not warm yet in the midwest and it has been especially cool, rainy, and gray here all spring. It is also my way of escaping stress - take a nap! I nap about an hour almost every day I have off, despite getting at least 7 hours sleep the night before.

I drink a fair bit of caffeine. I'll have about 2-3 cups of coffee in the morning. I generally stop that caffeine around noon though, or I can't get to sleep. I drink a fair bit of wine.

My habits when I get home after a work day are abysmal. I have written about them in the past. It needs to change. I wonder how I'll do it?? I need to do something "nurturing" for myself when I get home from work so I don't sit like a lump in front of the TV on the couch. This is a tough one because my husband is nurtured by my sitting like a lump next to him watching TV all evening. Indeed, he should probably do something as well, but there's not much I can do to change him.

I can piss him off about it, by nagging. Ooh, fun.

I think I need a new quilting project. Some hand work that I can do while sitting like a lump, and occupy my hands instead of eating. I recently saw the new Piece o Cake designs pattern Aunt Millie's Garden. That's an ambitious project!! I like applique, but I've never attempted anything so complicated.

It might also make a good portable project to take on the plane to Japan when we go this October. :-)


Anonymous said...

Boy, I miss having leaded coffee in the morning.

As a man, let me tell you, nagging does no good. Heheheh

It doesn't mean he doesn't care, he's just a guy. We like to sit and do nothin'. :P

Lauren said...

I know. After 11 years of marriage, I have learned. I only nag judiciously. :-)

Anonymous said...

My wife used to nag a bunch, and finally sat her down and was like look - that isn't gonna work. If you need something done don't complain about it just put it on a list and I'll get it done. Worked out pretty good. :P