Friday, March 7, 2008

Winter will never end

It snowed today. It was supposed to be "a few flurries possible." One inch of snow later, it became a few flurries.

Sigh. My seedlings are almost ready!!

Today I had to get a filling in a molar. I have to get another one in about 2 weeks. This is depressing because it's my first filling. I had prided myself on having no fillings. I would say "perfect teeth" but they're not - I had braces as a child, and I have had minor surgery for receding gums. I've got pretty good teeth, though.

Or, had, I might say. I returned home this morning (after brushing that G@##@*%! inch of snow off my car) with a numbed mouth and low spirits. I moped around for most of the morning. I'll get over it, but I sure hope this is a permanent fix. Man-made solutions are error-prone.

Of all the months, March is one of the hardest for me. I'm fed-up with winter. I don't have anything to do. I'm tired of being inside. The outside is not ready for me yet. I think it is March when I initiate change, because I get depressed and desperate for something better. February and March are when I decided to become a nurse. When I find myself back in therapy or counseling. When I initiate projects. When I change jobs, or start thinking about it.

Not much else has been going on, though. A few tidbits:

  • My eye sight is pretty good, almost 1 month post LASIK. A little dry from time to time. It is a miracle
  • Work goes well. I will get my longevity promotion (and pay raise) next week with my 2 year anniversary.
  • The basement remodel looks terrific. We had poker here two weeks ago and it worked well. I'm not quite done with everything yet, but so far, it's nice.
  • I am re-reading The Secret. I want it to sink in.
  • I am trying the positive thinking thing with losing some weight. So far, it's not working so well
  • Finally, finally, I have had the urge to sew again. I have made 6 more blocks for my bed quilt for Kevin and me. I have enjoyed it muchly!
  • The vacation to Japan is looking quite likely for this fall...very exciting!!

I hope to post something much more interesting soon. It has been a while, so I thought I'd at least give an update.

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