Sunday, March 30, 2008

What I want to hear


The basement looks awesome! You've been working so hard on it, and it is really coming together! I like the color selection a lot, it makes the room very cozy and inviting. You'd said that I'd like it, and I wasn't sure, but now, you're absolutely right. It's terrific.

You know, when I was here living on my own, I just ignored the basement. It was so much easier to shut the door and ignore it. We really couldn't have had guests over at all.

But now, it's clean, it's attractive, and it's functional. All we need are a few more pieces of furniture, just like you'd designed. Yes, I think a sectional couch in the corner would be great - it would give our guests someplace to chill out but still be involved in the poker game.


You can really sing. I bet if we worked on developing your presence on stage, you could show off your voice. How about we work on that together?


You know, you're organizational skills with the practice council for the unit are really showing. You are making me and this unit look so good and professional. People around the hospital are beginning to notice. I certainly appreciate your efforts - with you in charge of it, I don't have to worry about it a bit.

Is there any doubt I am a narcissist?

At least I've become skilled at keeping my expectations in check, and my hunger for this kind of admiration and attention under control.

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