Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A few thoughts on the 2008 election

Here are my thoughts.

I tend to prefer Hillary Clinton. I think it's because she's a woman, and she is affiliated with Bill Clinton. When he was president, my life was pretty darn good.

However, I don't think America wants Hillary Clinton. She has fashioned her campaign too much like a man's campaign, in my opinion, because she had to. Well, Americans don't like pushy women. Women who speak their mind. Women who don't deep down just want to stay home and love on their children and grand children. Hillary is not like that. People are just too uncomfortable with it.

Therefore, I think I have to support Barak Obama. I don't think he has the makings for a president, but it sure as hell beats John McCain. I want a democrat in office. Republicans make Americans feel like we have big penises, but we end up doing stupid things, undermining our relations with other countries and we end up in horrendous debt.

Oh come on. Giving everyone $600. How childish. Like that's going to solve any long term problems with our economy. Whoopie doo - I get to fill my SUV tank with gas 6 times. Oooh, a new TV. People aren't going to reduce their debt! People aren't going to pay off a bill! They're going to act like children with their money and buy a toy. And I'll bet you they'll buy a $1200 toy, and just add on the extra $600 to their debt.

Then they don't want to give any money to people on welfare. Because they don't deserve it. we do deserve it!!

The irony is, I live in a red state, so my vote doesn't matter too much anyway.

Nevertheless, I vote. I vote to negate my next-door-neighbor's vote, who chooses her candidate by calling the right-to-life organizations and asking who is pro life. She votes for that person. I'm serious. People really do this (or at least say they do).

Despite the screwed up election processes, and the immature way people choose their leaders, I still love living here in America. I think it's the best place there is. I keep trying to make it a little better.

Heh. I should donate my $600 to the most liberal cause I can find. That'll screw with Mr Bush's great idea.

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