Tuesday, January 29, 2008

On Quilting Bees

I would like to have a small group of women to work on our quilts together with. I mentioned this in my guild's yahoo group and lo and behold, I was volunteered to organize something. I set out a sign up sheet. While I expected maybe a dozen people to sign up, 23 of us did.

This became a bigger problem. People also put in requests, like "I want to be with Juanita and Helga" and "I can only do it at night." A more difficult problem.

I procrastinated getting started on the organization process. It seemed overwhelming. Then, another guild member offered her assistance. This was the motivation I needed. We came up with a preliminary list grouping and now I have to follow up getting these groups together. This includes contacting everyone, identifying a leader, and getting them all in contact with each other. There were some people who needed to be contacted directly to see which group they'd be more interested in. We tried to organize them into geographical groups.

I was supposed to go into work this afternoon for a meeting, but I decided to cancel due to the weather. It is yukky out - about 2 inches of snow has fallen and the roads are slippery. I don't want to drive in during afternoon rush hour for a meeting, on my day off. I hope this is OK - it may imperil my progress with getting more integrated and involved at my job. But I just think about the hassle if something were to happen like a car accident, or how long I'll be on the road in a traffic nightmare.

As a result, I have the afternoon free. I really should set up these bees or at least get the outstanding questions addressed.

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