Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Quilt Guild

Today I went to my quilt guild meeting. I am the newsletter person, as I mentioned in a previous post. Now, I think I'm going to be the "Bee Keeper." I want to be in a quilting bee. So, I'm organizing bees for the guild. Twenty two people signed up! Much more than I expected!

In the guild, I am more involved in the administrative side of things. I am not as good a quilter as many of the people in the guild. But I do alright. I quilt for love only - and that means I quilt for my own enjoyment, to make gifts for family members and friends, and to make things for myself. I have only shown two quilts in show and tell and it took me over a year to get up the courage to show.

My current major quilt project is a quilt for my niece Adia. It was supposed to be for her birthday, but it looks like Christmas will be a better bet. It is coming along well, actually - I'm working on the machine quilting now. Maybe close to half done with that. It is very colorful - a pattern of squares and rectangle patches. I am quilting an overall pattern on it - flowers, leaves and swirls.

When I figure out how to post pictures, I'll post one of this completed project.

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