Saturday, November 3, 2007

Initial Post

This is my first blog entry.

I have been on the web almost since its inception. I started writing raw HTML in 1993. It has come a long way baby. You'd think I'd have been an early blogger, but I have not. I have been extremely sensitive to privacy issues. Early on in the world of the web, it was so open, anyone could steal anything from you and your site. Since I knew exactly how the web worked, I was cautious about putting personal information online.

Technology has changed, I have changed. I need a way to express myself. I am giving it a try.

I am egotistical enough to think I have something to say and that maybe, someone would like to read it. Maybe someone will learn from it. Maybe it will entertain someone. I don't have any fiction in me, but I do have a life and sometimes I really think my life is remarkable. Other times, I think my life is as ordinary as it comes. History will be the judge of this. In fact, I suspect I will be forgotten to history, like most people.

Nevertheless, I have an urge to find significance. To leave a mark. To have made a difference. Therefore, I write.

I tried to come up with a pithy title for the blog. Heh. all the good ones are taken. I chose "Thoughtful Quilter" because:

  1. It was available

  2. I am incredibly introspective

  3. I like to quilt.

It's only a partial description of me. I like to do these other things, too:

  • Play music and sing

  • Play Texas Hold 'em

  • Work at my job as a nurse in a hospital

  • Make pretty documents
    I produce a newsletter for my quilt guild

  • Keep a nice house

  • Play with my dogs and walk my dogs

  • Cook good food

  • Make a pretty yard and garden

  • Enjoy my family and friends

  • Go to church

  • Knit

  • Sew clothing

  • Go to shows downtown

  • Travel

Oh, I'm sure there's more.

Did you notice I didn't mention kids?? I'm almost 42 and I don't have any. I'm married, but no kids. That's kind of unusual for someone my age and health and social status. I'll probably blog on that topic sometime. Soon, because it's on my mind lately.

I have lots to blog on. I hope that I keep this going for a while.

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