Sunday, November 4, 2007

Day 2

I do not want to go to work tomorrow. This is not unusual for many people. Mostly, I like my job, but sometimes I am just tired.

I am a very healthy least right now, I am. I don't get sick very often; in fact, I've never been hospitalized, and at most, I think I've only missed 2 or 3 days of work in a row due to illness. Therefore, I don't get many days off sick. That's a good thing, really. I am truly blessed.

As a result, my days off are planned. At least at this job, all of my time off is one category - PTO (personal time off). This is advantageous to me, since I don't need sick days (often) or sick child days.

I am really glad about this PTO policy. In my previous jobs, people who were ill or had family care responsiblities got extra days off. Not that they were "fun" days exactly. But I got no advantage for not taking those extra days. And, it's politically incorrect to criticize those who had to take those days. One could infer that it's politically incorrect also to give advantage to those who don't take such days off, because then you're denying those unfortunate people the opportunity to gain as well.

It's weird. There is no incentive in this society to do the right thing. To be healthy. To be independent. Other than the fact that these things are advantages in themselves.

I wish I had the courage to take a "mental health" day, though. It would be nice to have a day for a little self care for no particular reason other than the fact that it's good for me. But I just can't do it. If I'm able to get out of bed, then I'm well enough to go to work. And guilt. Oy, guilt. You see, they need me at work. Recently, we've lost a few nurses and we're short staffed for the moment.

To be needed. That is music to my ears.

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