Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sister In Law's Progress

My sister in law is doing alright.  A few months ago, I reported she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Since then, she has had surgery, had a port a cath implanted and is taking chemo. I'm not sure about the radiation - I think she's doing that too.

I only learned this because I finally joined Facebook. I joined for two reasons: to join a social group that only has a presence on Facebook, and to find out about my sister in law. No one calls any more, no one emails, or writes. You're supposed to go find out how people are doing on your own.

What a friggin' narcissistic society we live in.

I have stepped over to the dark side. I'm not all that impressed with it - suffice to say, it's serving the purpose I intended.  I don't think it's going to replace my presence here or on my other blog.

Back to sister in law's progress - she recovered from the surgery well, and it sounds like her particular type of cancer does not have as bad a prognosis as other pancreatic cancers. That's good. Her Facebook posts are very up beat and she seems to be keeping on a normal schedule fairly well. She posts a lot of Bible verses on her site - if that were to stop, I'd know something is wrong.

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