Sunday, November 20, 2011

Plans for Thanksgiving

This year we are going to see dear husband's parents, who live near Albuquerque, NM. It has been 6 years since we went to their place, and I thought they'd enjoy seeing us. They travel to see us much more than we travel to see them - it's high time we went to their place.

This trip, we're doing something different - taking the train! We have tickets on the Southwest Chief Amtrak train for Tuesday, and we will arrive in Albuquerque on Wednesday late afternoon. We reserved a sleeper car, since it is an 18 hour trip and we leave Kansas City at 10:30 pm.

I sure hope it is on time.

I'm excited to try something different in travel. The book "Life's Little Instruction Book" (which was very popular in the early 90s) put the idea in my head to take the train. Then, when we went to the Missouri state fair back in August, we saw that the Southwest Chief line goes from Kansas City to Albuquerque, well, it was meant to be.

18 hours on a train is fun. But 36 hours? Uh, not so much. We're taking a flight back home.

I plan to blog on the experience. I really hope it is fun!!

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