Thursday, November 10, 2011


I am going through a rough time physically. I ache. I sweat. I bloat. I am tired.

It is the joy of perimenopause.

At least that's what I think. I hope it's nothing worse - it could be I guess. How am I to know until its too late? Go get expensive invasive tests, only to be told I am having "normal" menopausal symptoms? Or worse yet, to be told I do have something serious?

My life has been very healthy and I am afraid something will come up. Statistically, my turn is coming round. I am afraid of ovarian cancer and/or colon cancer. 

I try to comfort myself saying that these things don't happen to me, they happen to other people. Historically, that has been true - maybe one day it won't be.  I don't have any evidence that I have these conditions, just ambiguous aches and pains that could be interpreted.

I am besieged by worry. I needed to name my fear to work through it.   That's what motivated my post.

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