Sunday, November 13, 2011

Birthday 2011

Last Tuesday was my birthday. I did not plan a great celebration - the absence of a card and a present from Mom seemed a bit daunting. In reality, it wasn't bad at all.

I did get one really nice present - a Nikkon 7000 digital camera from my husband. Since I have been blogging for 4 years now, and pictures really help make a blog stand out, I decided it was time to upgrade. I got my original point and shoot digital camera in 2005, so it was definitely time. I told him he could get me a new camera for my birthday.

I have a lot to learn and I'm looking forward to playing with my new "toy." Expect some awesome pictures on my blog...yeah, as soon as I learn how to use it.

I received several cards from family and friends, a sweet little present from my sister, and a carrot cake at work. That day I did go to work and I did go to yoga class. When I got home, there was dinner waiting for me and a Ben and Jerry's ice cream cake. I love ice cream cakes, and this one was just sublime. The top half was a sweet cream/vanilla with chocolate chunks. The bottom half was chocolate brownie chunk.  Rich and creamy.

So, starting the slide towards 50 wasn't all that bad after all. I felt well and a got a little harmless spoilin'. Now back to reality!!

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