Sunday, October 30, 2011

Change or stability?

I ended up talking with the recruiter. It went alright but they were thinking of me for an analyst position in Nashville, TN.

Tennessee? That's about as likely as me ending up in Kansas.

Oh wait.

I am quite content where I am now, and I have no motivation to change. I do not think I have a future in leadership in my current organization and that's really OK with me. I mean, I'm not being groomed (perhaps I am too old for that) or trained for leadership.

So, if I were to leave my job and relocate, I only would do it for an assistant director position or above. I believe I could do such a job; where I am now, few others think I could.  The higher I go in an organization, the higher the cost to my peace of mind and sanity. For suitable compensation (at many levels), it's worth it to me.

Right now, I'm in a good place. My job diminishes my soul at times, and I get some nice rewards. It's a good paying job.  I make a difference. The job does not stretch my skills to new heights. I get to leave it at the office, mostly.

One thing I've learned in the professional world is to value good colleagues, good work environment, and good energy. I have that now. Why would I want to change, for something as silly as ambition?

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