Sunday, May 29, 2011


There is a pair of ducks on my front lawn. You must understand how unusual this is. There is no pond or lake anywhere near my house. Ducks are common in Kansas, but not usually in the middle of suburbia. Very strange.

I tend to attract animals. Lost dogs especially tend to find me.

When I encounter an animal outside of normal or expected context, I look up its symbolism in Native American cultures, on the web. Maybe there is a message for me in the encounter. Ducks (Mallards) represent protection, nurture, introspection. Another site says ducks represent honesty, simplicity, and resourcefulness in Celtic traditions.  I don't know what that means for me.

I told the pair they could stay and they could even nest in our yard if they want. It would be best to stay in the front yard, away from my dogs, though.

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