Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My New Friend Martha

I recently got a fancy offer in the mail for Martha Stewart Living magazine. If I sign up, I get a free tote bag and a free subscription to Everyday Food, another Martha Stewart publication.  I took the bait.

I enjoy magazines. I've been an O Magazine subscriber for years and it still delights me. I especially like the articles by Martha Beck and Lisa whats-er-name who "Tells all."  The shopping sections are always lots of fun.  The beauty sections are practical with a spark of glamour. This magazine recognizes that women are mostly thoughtful, intelligent, and spiritual people, but we like to look our best, too. 

For the longest time, when I lived in North Carolina, I studied every issue of Southern Living when it arrived, trying to learn how to be the best southerner I could. Gardening, cooking, vacations, home decor - it has the secrets to living the authentic southern life. A lot of good that does me now, since moving to the midwest. Nevertheless, I keep several great recipes clipped from the magazine that never fail to bring me rave reviews. It wasn't a total waste of time. 

I'm curious why I have been drawn to Martha Stewart, at this point in my life. In the past, I had read her magazines every now and again, and at that time, I found them a bit pretentious. Who has time or desire to hand sew baby shoes, or decorate Ukranian eggs for Easter? Now, for some reason, the magazine speaks to me. I like the crafts section. I like the pets section. The home decor they feature is a not exactly my style, but there are ideas that I can apply in my own way. I kinda enjoy reading Martha's "calendar" for the month, even if it is probably more fiction than real. ( she turns her own compost if!). The gardening sections are good too. I really like that this magazine offers downloads from their website to support their stories and crafts. You can download designs they feature in a story, or templates for a craft design. That's nice. 

I'm in a phase where I just want to play and make things.  Dozens of ideas for quilts and craft projects are floating around in my head, waiting to be worked on and made; if I only had the time, I'd be so happy. But I don't - I have a job. And I like my job, so I want to do that, too. 

So what is it about Martha Stewart?  

I don't know, but I know what I like. 

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