Sunday, May 16, 2010

Work-life balance

Work has been so crazy, I haven't had much time to work on anything else. This past week, for some reason, the patient load dropped off. I think it had to do with most of the MDs being at a conference. It was actually pleasant to be at work again. My resolve to leave weakens...

I had my interview and it went very well. I don't have the ideal experience they want in nursing but I think I clearly showed my energy, enthusiasm, and knowledge regarding well designed and usable software systems. I got a second interview, which has not been scheduled yet. To some degree, it will depend on what they want - others may have more med-surg nursing experience but few can top my background in the computer field.

It would mean a 5-day-a-week job working semi-normal hours, like 8-5 or something. It would be a return to a flexible schedule. This is a salaried position. These things are appealing in one way, but I am nervous about changing anyway. I like my weekdays off. I like working 12-hour shifts, mostly. I like the patient interaction.

Trust Karma. I

So, I am better rested now and I can spend some time on my hobbies again. I worked on the Cherries Jubilee wall hanging quilt again - deciding upon and quilting the sashing areas. I've decided to start a quilt for the guild challenge - a recycled items quilt - by making a denim quilt. I cut up 2 pairs of jeans and I bought some denim from the remnant bin.

Yesterday I did a photo shoot with a friend for some more hat shots. I hope to post them soon and maybe sell a few more caps online.

And, I went shopping. I have wanted to buy some shoes and clothes recently, but I haven't taken the time. Now, I took the time and I feel relieved to have gotten that out of the way.

With the lousy weather this weekend, I am able to get these indoor things done without the pull of yard work and gardening. No need to feel guilty because I am not working on the yard - I can't anyway!!

Off to hobbies....

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