Friday, May 7, 2010

Love and Hate

Work continues to get worse and worse. Why does it always happen this way?

I don't know who thinks it's OK to schedule 23 patients in a unit with 22 beds, and not even account for those staying over night. There must be some logic I'm missing, and I'm a logical person.

But, I love the coworkers (well, using the term love in a general way). We have each other, and it bugs me to watch us all get hurt repeatedly. We try so hard. We get few kudos. We get lots of stress and pressure from the other units.

I hate having to leave, but the leaders will reap what they sow.

So, I'm going in for an extra shift Friday to help out my coworkers, not my manager. I have an interview on Wednesday. This is so unnecessary and so wrong.

And once again, I am taught that my gut feeling is right on. When the power was transfered on the management of this unit back in December, I was concerned for the unit, even though I couldn't define it specifically.

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